Sunday 4 April 2010

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Big Chill: Set Review

Click Me!!!

Big Chill Review, By Me

Bionicle Galleria 3


Monday 1 February 2010

Oh, and while I'm at it, SORRY I'VE BEEN AWAY!!! Hope ya'll missed me :P

Where Is Operate/Shadow!!!

Wherever he is, WE MISS HIM!!! Atleast I do...

-BioManiac - BioHazard96

Man, do I hope that Hero Factory will have a decent storyline. I hope it won't be as bad as Slizer's (Bionicles Primal Ancestor) was... This was Slizer's complete (emphasis on COMPLETE) storyline:

The planet that the Slizers/Throwbots lived on was called Planet Slizer/the Throwbot Planet. The planet was divided into 8 continents, seven of them dividing the planet into seven sectors. The eighth and smallest continent, on one of the hemispheres where the seven other continents converged, was the Judge/Jet Continent. It was the stadium for Slizer/Throwbot competitions. The Slizers/Throwbots trained for the competitions by fighting the natural adversaries that existed on their continents, but perhaps Judge/Jet did not because he seemed to have no natural enemies in his continent. Also, when not competing, the Slizers/Throwbots were divided into two factions of “good” and “evil”. The “good” side was made up of Fire/Torch, Ice/Ski, City/Turbo, and Sub/Scuba, while the “evil” side was made up of Judge/Jet, Jungle/Amazon, Rock/Granite, and Energy/Electro. These two factions fought each other constantly when not competing in the stadium, and it is unknown whether belonging to either of these two factions interfered with their stadium competitions.

-BioHazard96 - Biomaniac

Another Side... Some people hope that HF will have a terrible storyline, that way it'll die quicker, and get replaced with something else, better...

For those who are looking for more info on the Slizers, look 'ere!!!
Official Slizers/Throwbots Topic

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Hero Factory Trailer

Hero Factory Trailer...on second thought, it might be even more for older ages...LEGO is interesting
Hero Factory Trailer
Images from the movie

looking forward to the new torso

STILL Bionicle was so unique, and we shall see how it unfolds, but Bionicle is much better


Friday 15 January 2010

New Images in the Gallery

First post I've made in a while:

New images on Go there to check it out but here are some of them...including the new header image.