Monday 2 June 2014

Rahkshi Gui [Initial Design]

So I know it has been a long time since anyone's posted here, but the other day I was suddenly urged to open up some of my LEGO boxes and just make something. I went in not knowing what I wanted to design, but I think I made something cool consequently. Turning to the Zoids franchise for inspiration, I designed the Rahkshi Gui (its name is a tip of the hat to its exact inspiration, the BioRaptor Gui); it is a powerful, well-rounded aerial drone that was designed in a world that I conceive to be very different then the traditional Bionicle universe. Years after the fall of the Makuta many Toa have simply died of old age. In their replacement, the Matoran/Agori employ drones to settle the occasional conflict. One tribe however has turned to the ways of the arcane, mixing modern and ancient technologies to create one of the most powerful armies [of all time]. Its spread from the North has left a trail of devastation in its wake with virtually nobody stopping it. Until ... something, I haven't worked it out that far yet. Nevertheless, I thought I should share it with you guys (it really has been a long time)...

Yours Truly,
0M3G4 (aka Biomaniac)